Cristiano Ronaldo and Joao Cancelo come to blows in shocking footage during Portugal training

Cristiano Ronaldo’s behaviour continues to be scrutinised, as he prepares for the World Cup with his Portugal teammates.

Ronaldo’s every move is being watched at the best of times, but the forward’s upcoming controversial interview has only turned more eyes on him.

His arrival at Portugal’s training camp ahead of the World Cup was met by interesting footage of him bumping into United teammate Bruno Fernandes, and sharing a ‘frosty’ handshake.

Since then it has been claimed that the pair were just sharing a joke, with Ronaldo laughing about his teammate’s late arrival, with Bruno the last player to arrive.

The midfielder was later than everyone else due to him still being involved in United’s late win over Fulham on Thursday, a game poor Ronaldo was just too ill to play in.

Whilst any problems between the pair has been dismissed, all eyes are on the 37-year-old and now his interaction with another teammate is being looked at.

During an actual training session, Ronaldo walked up to Manchester City defender Cancelo and grabbed him by the face for an awkward amount of time.

Cancelo doesn’t look too happy and eventually moves his teammates hand from the back of his head, before walking off, as you can see in the video below.

It seems unlikely that things in the national team will be completely derailed for the tournament in Qatar based off Ronaldo’s desire to leave Old Trafford.

However, things aren’t completely brilliant for the all time top goalscorer in men’s international football when it comes to his national team.

Earlier this year he was criticised during the Nations League loss to Spain, putting in a performance that could only be considered a ‘disasterclass.’

One local newspaper even ran the headline ‘Less Ronaldo, More Portugal,’ following the loss, that saw them miss out on the finals of the competition.

Ronaldo’s sister Katia Aveiro hit back at the fans who criticised her brother, calling them ‘petty, soulless, stupid and forever ungrateful.’

Things haven't gone that well for Ronaldo in international colours lately. Image: Alamy

The former Real Madrid star has a Euros and Nations League medal to his name during his time with the national team but will be desperate to add the World Cup to his trophy collection.

He will be turning 38 in the new year and it’s likely to be his last real chance at winning the last major trophy he has never won.

Of course rival Lionel Messi will be just as desperate to win in Qatar, for exactly the same reasons, and Argentina are one of the favourites.

However, both men should know that winning it isn’t as good as sex, at least that’s according to Emmanuel Petit, one of the people who would know.

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